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BCWPA Archives

Aerial Manta Rays

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00:00 / 00:02

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Agent Lenin Roman photographed this image of the Aerial Manta Ray.

Under the full moon's light

and over the river wide,

a gentle beast quietly feeds.

So surprised, awe-struck to see him,

what mysteries yet remain in the dark?

Scientific Name: Noctobula, N. [species]

Other Names: Skyflap, Ohio River Flying Fish, Aerial Manta Ray, Flying Ray, Flap-Flap

Species: Shortfin Flying Ray, Paddleboat Flying Ray, Bedeviled Flying Ray, Thorned Flying Ray

Evolutionary Kind: Skyflap

Diet: Insectivore

Reproduction: Fragmentation

Conservation: Unknown


The Aerial Manta Ray is an extraterrestrial creature that resembles the Earthly Manta Ray. A visitor on the planet, these animals fly over water and eat insects, resting before continuing their journey. Only active at night, their shadowy forms are seen shooting across the sky like a flicked rubber band. Large and triangular, the sight of a Flying Ray strikes fear into those that see them below; because of their sharp silhouette and sometimes pointed tail, they are occasionally associated with evil or daemonic activity.


Winter circa 1980 - around…

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00:00 / 01:04


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