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Lizardman of Lee County

00:00 / 01:04

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Names: Lizardman of Scape Ore Swamp, Bishopville Monster

Habitat: South Carolina; bottomland hardwood forest wetlands

Size: up to 7 feet tall

Diet: carnivorous; wood stork, marsh rabbits, squirrels, and other game

Reproduction: oviparous; up to 6 eggs per clutch

Society: solitary

Lifespan: around 15 years

Inhabiting the swamplands of Lee County, South Carolina, the Lizardman is a large reptile. First documented on July 14, 1988, this cryptid quickly rose to fame; it was featured in several news broadcasts, newspaper articles, and local radio stations—now it is a cult phenomenon, bringing legend trippers, tourists, and monster hunters to the area every year.

The Lizardman is one of many bipedal reptiles found around the world; while some organisms categorized as "Lizardmen" are more human-like, this one is more lizard-like. Faster than its more upright counterparts, Lee County's cryptid can sprint with great speed in short bursts or keep an even pace for long distances; what it lacks in hand dexterity and intelligence, it makes up with brute strength. Specifically linked to car accidents, it…

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