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BCWPA Archives

Minerva Monster

00:00 / 01:04

Prime Location:

Other Names:

Names: Ohio Bigfoot, Boggy Creek Monster

Habitat: Ohio; generally northeastern

Size: up to 7 - 8ft tall; up to 300 lbs

Diet: omnivorous; wild game, fish, insects, vegetation, fruits, roots, etc.

Reproduction: polygamous; no courtship display

Society: usually solitary

Lifespan: up to 35 years; interspecies violence greatly decreases lifespan

The Minerva Monster is a large bigfoot with an aggressive personality; not afraid of human presences or activities, they dare to dwell close to homes, peer through windows, and disturb active campsites. While many bigfeet avoid or even fear humans, these cannot be easily scared off during a violent encounter. Identifiable by their strong musk and gorilla-ish features, Minerva Monsters are known for their generally destructive nature and brutality—especially their frequent murder of outdoor pets. They are one of the few bigfoot species that include humans as sources of meat.

Hunting during the day or night, these bigfeet spend most of their day grazing; consuming swaths of vegetation and other edibles, game is only sought a few times a week. Those living in…

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00:00 / 01:04


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