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November 1, 2024 at 3:18:43 PM

Last Updated:

BCWPA Case Number:


Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.

Tribal affiliations: Ojibwe, Algonquin, Ottawa, Menominee, Shawnee, Cree

AKA: Great/Water Lynx, Underground/Water/Underneath Panther, Matchi-Manitou

A cross between a dragon and a cougar, this drafylis (a type of dragon that has feline characteristics) roams the Great Lakes of Canada, the United States, and the surrounding regions of the Ohio and Mississippi River. The Water Panther is described as having the head and paws of a mountain lion and a furry underside, but is mostly covered in scales; it has a long, prehensile tail made of copper (males only), a sharp, saw-toothed spine, and horns like a White-Tailed Deer. The creature makes growls and hissing sounds, some of which emulate the roar of rushing rapids or thunderstorms. Depending on the size of the waters they reside in, the drafylis can grow to be anywhere between 7-15 ft long and 2-4.5 ft tall; on land, they can move up to 30 mph, but they can swim up to 60 mph. Though all Msi-Pissi share many similarities, they vary from region to region. The species found…

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