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BCWPA Archives

Ningen (Seal-Type)

00:00 / 01:04

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Names: Human-Faced Seal, S-Type Ningen

Habitat: Antarctic Peninsula

Size: up to 5.1 feet long; up to 370 lbs

Diet: carnivorous (coastal/aquatic animals); eats algae/fungus in summer

Reproduction: oviparous; polygamous

Society: forms herds of up to 20

Lifespan: up to 25 years

A semi-aquatic animal, the S-Type Ningen is an egg-laying creature described to have the body of a seal and the behavior of a penguin.    Wrapped in thick layers of blubber and water-wicking fur, it can withstand even the harsh Antarctic winters, remaining in the area instead of migrating elsewhere. While they may be found on land and ice, they are at their best in the water—dextrous swimmers, they are excellent hunters. Unable to breathe underwater, they snort water from two nostrils found on the forehead; like a dolphin's blowhole, their nose is more often seen peeking from the water than their bodies fully surfacing. 

During the day, this Ningen curls up and settles among the rocks; its coloration changes throughout the year, ensuring it has excellent camouflage. At night, it wakes and…

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00:00 / 01:04


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