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A pair of seemingly disembodied hands roams the trails around Pike Lake; watch out, they bite.
Path Hands
Organism Database Screen
February 8, 2025 at 7:53:08 PM
Last Updated:
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Path Hands
Though young Jacob Taylore was an outsider, he was a welcome outsider. Handsome, ambitious, and single, many sought his attention for themselves or their daughters.
A logrolling was in order.
Not grand events, the thrown-together affairs were nonetheless exciting. For a day, villagers put aside their own duties to gather and work as one; land would be cleared of tree, stump, and brush. But after, fires and food and dancing and plans. Jacob would be expected to do the same for new and old faces alike. He would also be expected to give special favor to those who contributed the most.
At the end of the day, the gathering had grown loud. Spread out over smoothed earth, fires popped up, encompassing piles of debris atop rough stumps. The clink of cookware and savory smell of meat caused the clearing to be filled with not only light, but fellowship. Laughter, singing, and the tap of feet joined the happy chorus. Only a handful of particularly diligent women continued to work into the twilight.…