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Tribal affiliations: Cherokee (Ani-Hyuntikwalaski), Shawnee (Animikii), Iroquois, Huron (Hadiwennodagyes, Onditachiae, Pletho)

Also known as: Thundermen

The Thunderers are powerful, magical storm beings that live in sky cities, commanding thunder and lightning from their lofty domains. They are neither bird nor human, a creature only described as being made of the elements and able to the take shape of other beings, like giant hawks and handsome men. Their normal, natural forms are human and bird-like.

The Thunderers are divided into three separate clans, each having distinct abilities, forms, and customs. All cultures, however, wear clothing only on the lower half of their body and feathers in their hair. Though not human, the beings can reproduce with humans; those who marry into Thunderer communities often never return to the human world. Young halflings or full-blooded Thunderers are extremely dangerous to earthly residents; they are kept and trained within their sky cities until adulthood-for the most part.

The gaze of a Thunderer brings death to mortals who meet their eyes-some wear thin bands of cloth…

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00:00 / 01:04


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