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BCWPA Archives

Whooping Spider

00:00 / 01:04

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AKA: Tumultuantem, Sepulcher Spider

An anomaly, the Whooping Spider is a giant Araneae of the family Lycosidae; unlike all spiders in West Virginia-aside from Trochosa Sepulchralis -they are known to burrow into the ground and build a web, instead of creating one in the open air. The maximum size these creatures can grow is undetermined, as most carcasses discovered are in the adolescent phase (which are the size of a child’s fist); much larger individuals have been observed in the wild, however, as well as giant, abandoned burrows with hints of large, arachnid activity. Within these hovels, the partially liquefied, silken wrapped forms of rats, rabbits, dogs, and deer have been recovered. The range of these spiders seems to be boxed in as far south as northern West Virginia, as far west as western Illinois, as far east as Vermont, and as far north as northern Ontario.

The Whooping Spider is described as having bright, orange-brown, waxy legs with rings of a lighter, yellower hue and a sparse covering of dark hair;…

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00:00 / 01:04


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